Catholic Parish "St. Jakobus" in Degersheim , Switzerland plants 9 Peace Poles

July 2014

The Catholic Parish “St. Jakobus” in Degersheim celebrated its 250th anniversary this July and.  In an eco village in Degersheim peace poles are carpentered for Switzerland.  To celebrate the anniversary St. Jakobus they wanted to plant 9 peace poles along a “Peace Path” in this wonderful green Swiss countryside. The poles featured  May Peace Prevail on Earth in 25 different languages,  but also prayers and words of wisdom, so that everybody walking on the peace path could get a chance to reflect about peace and reconciliation. One pole says for example “May you be the change, you want to see in this world.”


100 people of the parish participated – despite heavy rain – in the inauguration of the “Friedensweg” (Peace Path) of Degersheim. There is a way-post in Degersheim showing the directions to the Friedenweg. One needs 1.5 hours to walk from one peace pole to the next. A lovely little flyer explains which language can be seen on the peace pole.


MPPOE can be read in Turkish, Swedish, Arabic, Swiss Dialect, German, French, Italian, Tuwali, Tibetan, Albanian, Esperanto, Russian, Chinese and others.