Peace Prevails in South Africa!-March 21, 2008
News from Peace Rep, Susan Kaschula – SOUTH AFRICA
In South Africa, Peace Rep Susan Kaschula crafts her own peace poles and organizes dedication ceremonies in her community of Cape Town. In commemoration of the 93rd Southern African Theosophical Convention which took place during Easter weekend, Susan dedicated a Peace Pole in the garden of the Society’s Lodge with participants of the Convention on March 21st. The day’s event was dedicated to World Peace and closed with the World Peace Prayer and Flag Ceremony blessing each nation with prayers for peace to prevail.
Peace Rep Susan Kaschula with her hand crafted Peace Pole and members of the Theosophical Community.
Blessing each country with prayers for peace during the World Peace Prayer and Flag Ceremony.
This Peace Pole in front of Germiston Hall in Cape Town was dedicated last October.